Where there's a Will...

Steve Baily


April 29, 2022

The Olive Tree is always extremely grateful for gifts it receives in Wills. We are an independently funded charity and so all of our good work is dependent on you, our supporters.

Recently we have been appreciative of the generosity shown by several bequests, particularly opportune given the restrictions on our ability to fundraise (from Covid constraints).

Such gifts have proved vital in maintaining our ability to support those whose lives are affected by cancer. We ensure that every penny is used wisely in this respect. The vast majority is spent in continuing to provide our services, and in improving them. The remainder is invested in our fundraising to ensure that we generate even greater sums of money going forward to secure our future.

In some cases, leaving a gift to charity in your Will can help reduce, or even eliminate, any inheritance tax liability. A gift left to charity is 100% tax-free, and is subtracted from the value of the estate on which any inheritance tax is calculated.

So, please consider the Olive Tree Cancer Support Group when writing your Will. A leaflet providing further information is available from our Centres.

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