Self massage is a wonderful way to soothe away stress and tension, and to treat common disorder such as headaches. You can also perform it as often as you wish, at almost any time and place.
Ideally you should massage yourself once a week. If you are experiencing discomfort such as a sore neck, massage the affected area daily.You will be amazed at the relief. As you perform the massage movements on yourself, discover which ones feel particularly good.
The position for self-massage is either sitting on a chair, with 2 feet flat on the floor, bed or lying on the floor. Whichever is the most comfortable for you.
Repeat each movement 4 to 6 times or until you feel tension is being released. Only you know your body, apply pressure according to your desire. Don't hold your breath as you practise each movement, it will create more tension, on the contrary allow your in and outbreath to work in harmony with each movement.
Tightness in the neck and shoulders is an extremely common symptom of stress and often gives rise to headaches. These simple techniques can help to break down the numerous knots and nodules which arise and wil limprove neck mobility enormously. Try these movements when you feel stress or to prevent headaches.
1- Neck- effleurage
Relax your neck forwards and place your hands behind your head, fingertips touching or slightly overlapping. Apply deep effleurage movement across and down the neck.
2- Neck-friction
Apply small circular friction movements to the base of your skull using fingertips.
3- Shoulders-effleurage
Place your hand on each shoulder near the base of the neck.Stroke both hands across your shoulders. For a deeper treatment to massage your right shoulder, reach across the front of your chest and place your left hand at the base of the skull and stroke firmly down the side of the neck and ove rthe shoulder. Repeat on the other shoulder.
4- Shoulders – pick and squeeze
Reach across the front of your chest again and squeeze andrelease the muscles on top of the other shoulder, picking up as much flesh as possible. Repeat on the other shoulder.
5- Scapulae-friction
Reach across the front of your body with your right hand to touch your left shoulder blade at the back of your body.
Use your fingertips to apply deep pressure to any knots or nodules. Repeat on the other scapula.
Our arms, wrist and hands are used constantly in our daily activities. Aches and pains in the arms and hands are often caused by repetitive movements, although they may be the result of a neck problem.Massage of these areas is essential to promote strength and mobility.
1- Arm-effleurage
Place the palm of your hand on your wrist and effleurage the whole of the arm up to the shoulder.
2-Upper arm-effleurage
Apply deep stroking by using the palm of your hand to thef lexor muscles on the front of your upper arm and the extensor muscles on the back of your upper. Always work up your arm trying to move the lymph up the axillary glands in your armpit .
3-Upper arm-pettrisage
Squeeze and wring the muscles of your upper arm to break downany adhesions and to bring the deeper toxins to the surface.
4-Lower arm-deep stroking
With your elbow flexed and the tip of your elbow resting on your abdomen to encourage drainage, apply deep downward longitudinal stroking to the flexor and extensor muscles on the front and back of your lower arm.
5-Wrist-loosen and movement
Use your thumb and fingertips to gently friction all around the wrist joint. After the loosening movements, interlocks your fingers and circle the wrist clockwise and anticlockwise.
6-Palm-circular kneading
With a clenched fist, work into the palm of your hand with circular movements to loosen up the muscles, tendons and joints.
7-Fingers and thumb-loosen and move
Using your thumb and index finger, gently stretch each finger and thumb. Then circle each one individually. These movements will ease rheumatic complaints and arthritis.
Face and scalp massage is a wonderful way to relax and unwind,completely banishing tiredness and anxiety, relieving headaches and clearing sinuses. Over a period of time, as circulation and drainage is stimulated, you will also notice improvements in your complexion and fine wrinkles may dissapear. Make sure your hands are clean.
1-Face effleurage
Place both hands palms down on your forehead with your fingertips facing each other. Stroke across your forehead. Repeat this outward movement stroking across your cheeks and across your chin.
Use your index or your index and middle fingers to very gently effleurage outwards underneath each eye. Take great care, as this is a very delicate area. The movements will help to relieve puffiness and to prevent and reduce fine lines.
3-Chin and jaw-toning
Pinch all along your jawline starting from the middle and make your way up until your reach the lobe of your ear then drain downward.
Starting at the inside of your eyebrows, pinch your brows using your thumb and index bone until your reach the end of your eyebrow. Repeat few time until you feel the tension is being released.
5-Mouth -friction
Make a large 0 with your mouth. Using your index and apply small circular movements around your mouth.
With your fingertips, use small rotary circulation, movements covering your entire scalp. These movements will remove tension from your scalp and, by aiding circulation, can also make your hair healthier.
To finish your massage programme, place the heels of your hands over your eyes. Hold your hands there for few seconds allowing your eyes to relax completely in darkness; as you gently remove your hands you will feel revitalized and refreshed.